We promote corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities and work toward the realization of a sustainable society.
This covers a wide range of areas, including environmental conservation, protection of human rights, improvement of the working environment, sustainability, and contribution to local communities.
Fair Business Practices
In conducting business, we will always comply with laws and regulations and behave in a fair, ethical, and responsible manner.
1.Prohibition of Corruption
Comply with anti-corruption laws and regulations; do not provide benefits, directly or indirectly, to third parties or their employees in order to obtain an unfair advantage.
2.Conflict of Interest
We act in our company’s best interests and ensure that our personal interests do not supersede, or give the appearance of, placing our personal interests ahead of those of the company.
3.Fair Competition
In addition to complying with laws such as the Antimonopoly Act and the Competition Act, we will never engage in activities that impede fair competition.
4.International Trade Regulations
Comply with trade regulations, such as local and international laws on export control and economic sanctions, in the import and export of goods, services and technology, and in transactions in sanctioned areas.
5.Prohibition of Contact and Transactions with Antisocial Forces
We do not engage in antisocial activities or have any relationship with antisocial forces.
Human Rights and Labor
We will respect the human rights and labor of all workers.
1.Prohibition of Discrimination in Employment
We do not discriminate against employees on the basis of race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, age, disability, sex, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, political or personal beliefs, or other attributes such as membership.
2.Prohibition of Harassment
Provide a work environment that is free from all forms of discrimination, harassment, bullying, and aggressive and disrespectful behavior.
3.Compliance with Labor Standards
We comply with local labor laws and international labor standards, such as those set by the International Labour Organization (ILO), in the countries and regions where we do business; however, where there are differences between internationally recognized standards and national or regional laws and regulations, we comply with higher standards.
4.Prohibition of Forced Labor
We do not engage in forced labor, labor that involves the restraint of a worker for reasons of debt, indentured labor, prison labor, or labor that uses slavery or human trafficking.
5.Prohibition of Child Labor and Protection of Underage Workers
We do not employ children at any stage of production or in the delivery of any service. A “child” is one who is under the age of 15, compulsory school age, or the legal minimum working age in the country, whichever is the highest. We do not employ a child under the age of 18 in any activity that could have a detrimental effect on the health, safety, or ethics of our employees.
6.Working Hours and Wages
We will not have our employees work in excess of the legal limit on working hours and will pay wages that meet local legal standards.
Comply with local and international laws, regulations and guidelines on environmental protection; and take steps to contribute to global environmental conservation in order to reduce the environmental impact of our business activities.
1.Reduction of Environmental Impact
We will strive to reduce the environmental impact of our business activities and prevent environmental pollution.
2.We will promote energy conservation, resource conservation, waste reduction and reuse.
3.Provision of Environmentally Conscious Products
Reduction of materials, transportation energy, and the number of parts are achieved by reducing weight, size, and functionality.
Click here for our main environmental initiatives
Protection of Information and Property
We will strive to appropriately manage information and protect intellectual property rights.
1.Personal Information
We will comply with the laws and regulations concerning personal information in the countries and regions where we do business. In particular, we will acquire and use personal information after obtaining prior consent, and will prevent the inappropriate acquisition, use, transfer, disclosure, and leakage of personal information.
2.Intellectual Property
We do not use the intellectual property of others without the permission of the person who holds the title to the intellectual property.
Social and Local Contribution Activities
We will make effective use of SAIMA’s resources (human resources, expertise, facilities, and funds), actively participate in social contribution activities, and strive for harmony and harmony with local communities.
We support student formula cars with low-head caps, bolts and nuts handled by our company.
2.Implementation of Local Cleanup Activities
We clean up the area around our offices every morning to promote communication with neighboring companies and local residents.
3.Internship Training System
Internships are conducted not as part of recruitment activities, but to contribute to the growth of the company and the revitalization of local communities through the development of human resources who will lead the future.
4.We participate in a variety of activities, including those of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Fujisawa Corporation Association, as well as volunteer staff for regional revitalization events.
5.Registered as “Children’s Hotline 110” in Fujisawa City
Through these activities, we strive to prevent and deter crime and to realize safer and more secure local communities.